2020 Exhibitions

From Life
14 December 2020 - 24 February 2021

The life study was the foundation of Tom Bass’ teaching. He believed it was an invaluable class as it was the best way to learn about form. Utilising time with the life model and studying the body offers endless variations of form and helps build a mental library on which to draw and be inspired. Clara St Gallery presents a collection of sculptures created in life modelling workshops, from Tom Bass Studio’s students and teachers alike.

Exhibition featured: Helen Aladjajian, Karen Alexander, Jessica Chapman, Bree Cribbin, Arielle Morris, Sue Osmond, Monika Scarrabelotti, Frejya Usic and Martin Williams.

Art in Isolation – The Student Edition
3 October - 20 November 2020

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

During the coronavirus lockdown earlier this year our studio was forced to close like the rest of the world.  Some students were able to continue their creative pursuits within their own homes.  Here we have a collection of work engaging with themes of uncertainty, mortality, strength, nostalgia and comfort.  

Exhibition features: Bree Cribbin, Anthony Mitchell, Robert Pratten, Terry Dawson, Mehrnoosh Nik Tavakoli, Mareike Winkelmann, Christopher Salvemini, Christopher Atichian, Matt Bisaro and Elena Murgia.

Art in Isolation
4 July - 4 September

Clara Street Gallery has re-opened after being closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and is currently featuring an exhibition of teacher's work created during isolation entitled Art in Isolation.

The exhibition was curated by Monika Scarrabelotti and Arielle Morris who have taken over the creative directorship of the Gallery from Wendy Black. We wish them all the best in their new roles! All at Tom Bass Sculpture Studio School wish to extend a huge thanks to Wendy for injecting life into the Clara Street Gallery space for many years and for curating so many inspiring exhibitions.

From the curators...
During the Coronavirus lockdown, like the rest of the Australian population, TBSSS teachers and guest teachers retreated to their homes and studios and did what artists do best – made art!  Art in Isolation is an exhibition showcasing some of the work our teachers have completed during this strange period.  An eclectic range of work, the exhibition features drawings, photography, prints and installation, as well as sculpture. 

Exhibiting artists: Wendy Black, Carol Crawford, Christine Crimmins, Ingrid Morley, Arielle Morris, Jenny Pollak and Monika Scarrabelotti.

2020 Teacher’s Exhibition
30 January - 20 February

An exhibition that showcased new and recent work by Tom Bass Sculpture Studio School’s term teachers and guest teachers. The exhibition included sculptures by: Karen Alexander, Wendy Black, Michael Christie, Christine Crimmins, Ingrid Morley, Arielle Morris, Jenny Pollak and Monika Scarrabelotti.